Sunday, September 26, 2010

2009-10 Picking Apples

On Sunday, we headed down near Webster, MN to pick some apples.  Besides LeAnn, Kara and Hailey, Ray's mom joined us.  It was a beautiful Sunday morning with bright sun and no wind.  Even though the temperature was in the 40's and 50's, it felt much warmer.

We first picked some of the apples that were right behind the barn, but there were only a couple of varieties.  We then took a tractor ride out to a couple of other orchard areas with a lot more apples to choose from.  There were over 10 different varieties to pick, both tart and sweet.  The trees were loaded with apples, so there was no issue on finding good ones. 

There has been a lot of rain down in that area, and one of the fields that had been planted with pumpkins was under water, and many of the pumpkins were floating in the water.  A second area of pumpkins was planted up by the barn, so they still had some pumpkins to sell.

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