Saturday, October 24, 2009

2009-10 Kara's confirmation

Kara was confirmed on Saturday Oct 25th. This was one of 5 confirmation services over the next 3 weeks, with about 160 kids in her class being confirmed. There were 36 kids being confirmed at this service, including 4 others from her mentor group of 6. This is a smaller group that meets both at church and away from church to discuss and learn about the church and confirmation. The group is formed in their first year with an adult mentor and the entire group stays together for the whole 3 year program.

Kara's Godparents Leigh and Gregg, and their daughter Gina, were able to come to the service and be part of the Laying on of Hands, which is a show of support and backing to the new confirmand. Kara's grandma Karren, sister Hailey, and her parents also participated in the Laying on of Hands.. Her aunt Sue and uncle John, cousins Heather and Heidi and their families were also at the service giving their support.

Afterwards, we had a get together with food and beverage at the house to have some time to celebrate the achievement and accomplishment.

Congratulations Kara

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